Program Setup
Program Mode provides the opportunity to pair a heart rate monitor to the console and access the training programs contained within the Johnny G Spirit Bike.
If you choose to begin your ride in Warm Up Mode and pair a heart rate monitor, press and hold the Play key for three (3) seconds and "PAIR HR DEVICE" will show up on the display, prompting you to begin the pairing process. Once a heart rate monitor is paired, the Heart Rate Zone program will automatically begin. Learn more about pairing a heart rate monitor here.
The JB950 bike comes with the following workout programs:
- Heart Rate Zone
- Power Zone
- FTP Test
- Lap
Power Zone Program
The Power Zone Program takes a rider's Functional Threshold Power (FTP) in watts and tracks their performance across 5 training zones; less than 55% FTP to greater than 106% FTP. The console includes an LED light that will provide a visual guide to the riders’ effort. The time spent in each of the FTP Zones displays in the workout summary.
FTP Test Program
A thorough warm-up is important for a successful and accurate FTP test. Use Warm Up Mode for a minimum of 5 minutes of steady pedaling and intervals prior to starting the FTP test. To start:
- Enter Power Zone program (see page 44 of the Owner's Manual for additional instruction).
- ENTER FTP displays and 150W flashes. Press + or – Key to adjust FTP if actual is known. Users can enter their FTP or perform FTP test.
- Press Play Key. RUN FTP TEST displays and NO flashes. Press either + or – Key to toggle to YES. Press Play Key.
- FTP TEST displays and 5 MIN flashes. Press either + or – Key to toggle between a 5- and 20-min test. User can take either 5- or 20-MIN FTP test. A 20-minute test is a better measure of a user’s FTP, however if choosing 5-minute test because of time constraints, attempt test again later for repeatability of the results.
- Press Play Key. WARM UP displays and 30 seconds counts down.
- GO Displays for 3 seconds. FTP test begins. and test time counts down.
- Press + or – Key on either Forward Control Pad or handlebar ends to adjust resistance.
- Test will continue until completed or until ended by pressing the Play Key. If test is terminated early, console displays TEST ENDED EARLY then reverts to FTP TEST.
If test is completed, console displays TEST COMPLETED with FTP watts value displayed. FTP score after test = 95% of Average Watts during test. Press Play Key to return to Power Zone Program with FTP score entered program. If desired, reset the console by pressing simultaneously and holding + Key and Play Key for 3 seconds. This action will exit rider from Power Program and revert to warm up.
Note: Ideal pacing is a steady and consistent effort throughout the duration, where the average power for the first half is also the same as the average power for the second half. Listen to your body. Aim for a watt target that can be sustained.
Lap Program
The Lap Program allows riders to perform repeated measures of Time and Distance efforts. The program will compare your current lap with your previous lap. Rider may perform as many laps as desired, but only the last 5 laps will display in the workout results. To start:
- Use the USER function as instructed on page 43 of the Owner's Manual to access the Lap Program. Press + Key to ENABLE. The ENABLED setting is required for Lap Program to run and for lap results to display in workout summary.
- Press and hold Play Key for 3 seconds to activate the Lap Program. Home screen will appear and display: LEVEL, RPM, TIME, DISTANCE, WATTS, HEART RATE.
- Press + or – Key on either Forward Control Pad or handlebar ends to adjust resistance.
Until the Play Key is pressed to start a lap, the rider will remain in a Recovery Mode. To start lap:
- At desired time of Recovery Mode, press the Play Key. THIS LAP displays on lower section of console, replacing Watts and Heart Rate.
- The TIME display will reset to 0.00. The DISTANCE display will reset to 0.00. Lap is being recorded.