If you own a standard Spirit treadmill or bike that does not have built-in Bluetooth FTMS, you can still use Zwift by using a compatible third-party device. Examples of third-party devices include shoe sensors, treadmill sensors, smart watches, and more. Click here to view a list of supported Zwift-compatible third-party devices.
Before you can use Zwift, you will need to have a Zwift account. Learn how to create a Zwift account here.
Once you've created a Zwift account, view the video tutorial below to learn how to connect your third-party device to your Zwift account.
Connecting Zwift with a Traditional Treadmill
Connecting Zwift with a Traditional Bike, Trainer, or Third-Party Accessory
Difficulty connecting to Zwift? See our article: "Zwift Troubleshooting."